If you find the same experience on another site we guarantee to at least match the price. We'll match:
- Redletterdays.com
- Virginexperiencedays.co.uk
- Lastminute.com
- Drivingexperiences.co.uk
- Activitysuperstore.com
- Exelement.co.uk
- Plus many more
All you need to do is send us the URL (webpage) from the competitor site for the experience you wish to compare and our team will run a check. We will aim to get back to you the same day if the enquiry arrives within our office opening times.
Price Match Promise Terms and Conditions:
- We can only price match where the experience offered by the competitor's website is exactly the same as the one we sell and offered on the same terms
- We can only price match where spaces are still available/ in stock
- We cannot price match on an order after the purchase has been made on our site
- We cannot price match where a competitor has offered a promotional discount
- We cannot price match where a customer has a discount code/ coupon for a competitor
- Our price promise applies to the value of the experience only, not any other services or extras