If you are unable to make the date you have booked with us (whether that be by mistake or misfortune), please do not email or text us and wait for a reply. You must try and reach us or the supplier by phone as soon as you can.
Our phone lines will often be busy, but you will get through if you wait. Our average waiting time during off-peak hours is only 2 minutes.
In most cases, if you cannot make a date that you have booked, there will not be anything we can do, so it's best to be prepared for bad news.
However, there are some exceptions to this, and these are listed below:
Did you purchase Booking Protection?
We offer Booking Protection at the point of sale for all our vouchers. This covers for things like illness, breakdown and death in the family, as well as many other reasons for not being able to attend an event.
If you did purchase Booking Protection, then you may be eligible to make a claim. Please follow this link for booking protect full terms.
How far away is your event?
If there is a reasonable amount of time between now and your event (more than 7 working days from the time you speak to us by phone), then our Customer Service team will speak to the supplier on your behalf to see if we can negotiate some flexibility.
It is worth noting however, that if the supplier does agree to allow you to reschedule or cancel, there is likely to be a fee.
What if I have COVID?
Now that there are no Government restrictions in place relating to COVID, if you knowingly contract the virus then we are afraid it's bad luck.
You won't be able to attend the event and will not be able to get a refund.
Can I send someone in my place?
We can usually offer free name changes up to 3 days prior to the event, but you can only do this by phone.
If you email us or fill in a contact form, it's unlikely to get seen in time. The replacement attendee would need to have proof of ID and a covering note from you (a text or email is fine).
Related Keywords:
I need to reschedule
Unable to attend
I am ill
I am sick
I have covid
Can't attend
Cannot attend
I have to work
I need to cancel my booking
I need to change my booking